Thursday, 6 October 2011

They reap the seeds of kindness

one day a young man was walking in the woods, suddenly he heard cries for help. Apparently he saw a young man who was her age are struggling with a floating sludge or mud of life. The more engaged the young man was even more in the fall. The first young man who was then with a vengeance to his help. With great difficulty a young man ended up surviving the fall. Carefully, the boy who first helped this young man sank back to his house. not in thought, turned out houses youth who fall was very nice, large, grand and luxurious. His father was a happy young man who stuck to thank you for your kindness given and intend to deliver large amounts of money because of the help that has been given. but this young man who first rejected by the smooth provision of money. He said that it is proper to help another fellow human being of others in distress. Since this incident the two young men who either did eventually make lasting friendships. The first was a young man who is poor, while the second youth who was a very rich aristocratic. Poor young man who is actually intelligent and aspired to become a doctor, but because he had no money finally cancel it. However, there is a good heart who had offered to finance medical school. and he is the father of the young aristocratic. He gave scholarships until the first young man that earned his doctor. The young man was Alexander Fleming. A renowned physician and scientist of his day. And what about the life story of two young men who live mired in mud, had a rich aristocratic's son? This aristocratic young man finally entered the military service. In a task on the battlefield, the rich young man affected areas. He was seriously injured, causing a very high fever due to infection in the wound. At that time there is no cure for such infections. The doctors who treated the young man finally find out the drugs in an age of new inventions and discover information about penicillin. The doctors and even then inject the wounded young man with penicillin. And what happens? Gradually the fever subsided and the boy finally healed! And do you know who the name of the young aristocratic who were helped because the drug is penicillin? He was Winston Churchill, British prime minister is famous for. Readers, in this story we can see how the goodness taken by both. Fleming ideals become a doctor finally came true for his kindness and that Fleming discovered penicillin saving lives Churchill. It was worth a scholarship given Churchill's father

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