Sunday, 6 November 2011
At the moment all carmaker excited with the concept of green vehicles that use electricity as a source of propulsion. Apparently, the car company from the United States, Anderson Electric Car Company was started a century ago, precisely from 1907 to 1942, with Detroit Electric brand.
Do not imagine an electric car made by Detroit Electric has the form and all such advanced features of today. Instead of reducing the effects of global warming, actually encouraged the birth of Detroit Electric hassles combustion engine cars in turn, using the of fuel, which at that time should be at the crank.Understandably, the technology uses magneto ignition with the key has not been found.
Because of that electric cars are also popular among women.Even Clara, wife of Henry Ford's famous car-makers, prefer driving a Detroit Electric car made in 1914 than the Ford Model T made her husband, who is very popular at the time. However, the consequences of such popularity, men do not want to use that car!
Friday, 4 November 2011
If you have a cough continuously for more than three months and again within two years consecutively, do get more in-depthinspection. It is not possible, you have experienced chronic coughleads to lung cancer. Symptoms of lung cancer similar to other diseases, such as chronic cough accompanied by blood or chest pain, shortness of breath and weight loss.
"It's not just the monopoly of the lung coughs, may also be due to abnormalities of sinus, ear abnormalities, chest wall or psychic.With further examination, it can be known to cause illness," said dr. Wahyu Aniwdyaningsih, SpP, pulmonary specialist progess ofthe Royal Hospital, Jakarta.
More than 80% of new lung cancer patients realize that they are exposed to the deadly disease when it is in an advanced stage.Treatment can be given is only palliative (reducing the illness complaints, but not cure) the form of chemotherapy or radiotherapy.
If you smoke, both men and women, screening should be done every year to find out if there are tumor cells in the lung. PerformX-Ray, CT Scan X-ray, sputum inspection, fine needle biopsy,bronchoscopy or abdominal ultrasound.
According to their research that the couple live with smokers were at risk for lung cancer. The risk increased by 20% -30% and should be screened. Especially if there is a family history of developing lung cancer.
Smoking is a major cause of 90% of cases of lung cancer in men and 70% in women. The more cigarettes smoked, the greater the risk of lung cancer. Only a small proportion of lung cancers are caused or inhaled substances encountered in the workplace. Those who work with asbestos, radiation, arsenic, chromate,nickel, chloromethyl ethers, mustard gas and coke oven emissions are also at risk, although usually only happens to workers who also smoke.
In addition, according to dr. Wahyu, third hand smoke – cigarette smoke residue that can be left for months on clothing, leather and furniture after the cigarette is turned off too dangerous. Especially for children. Hazardous substances and particles that can reactwith-nitrosamines in indoor pollutants and tobacco specific nitrosamines forming carcinogenic.
Therefore, quit smoking now and do not let others smoke around you, both at home and in your work environment.
Saturday, 22 October 2011
Conception of the scope of education
The meaning of education can be simply interpreted as an attempt to foster human personality in accordance with the values in society and culture.
Thus, however simple civilization of a society, in which occurred or took place a process of education. Because it is often stated education has been around as long as human civilization.
Education is an institution of civilized society, but the purposes of education are not the same in all societies. An educational system finds it’s the guiding principles and ultimate goals in the aims and philosophy of the social order in which it functions.
The term “Education” refers to the board function of preserving and improving the life of the group through bringing new members into its shared concerns. Education is thus a far broader process than that which occurs in schools. It is an essential social activity by which communicaties continue to exist. In complex communicaties this function is specialized and institutionalized informal education, but there is always the education outside the school with wich the formal process in related.
The word “Education” is used, sometimes in a wider, sometimes in a narrower, sense. In the wider sense, all experience is said to the educative.
………………. The child educates his parents, the pupil educates his teachers, the dog educates his master. Everything we say, think, or do, educates us, no less than what is said or done to us by other beings, animate or inanimate. In this wider sense, life is education, and education is life.
From some of the explanations above we can conclude that education is a human activity and efforts to enhance his personality by fostering personal potentials, namely the spiritual (thought, intention, taste, creativity and conscience mind) and physical (sensory and skills ).
Education is also the agency responsible for setting educational objectives, content, systems and educational organizations. These institutions include: family, school and community.
Saturday, 15 October 2011
In order to confront free trade, we are challenged not only to prepare the Human Resources who are ready to work, but also be able to prepare and create new jobs. Opening and expanding new jobs is an urgent need. Therefore, the required range of government policies that support entrepreneurship education that can help the creation of new jobs.
The entrepreneur is expected to be a pioneer of development, among others, join and reduce unemployment. Construction of Indonesia will be more stable if supported by the entrepreneurs who were resilient and tough, because the government is very limited capabilities in providing new jobs. Government of Indonesia for a while have not been able to work on all aspects of development, as it requires a fairly large budget, personnel, infrastructure facilities and supervision. So the entrepreneur is the potential for supporting development, either nation or state.
Here described understanding between entrepreneurs and entrepreneurship,
Entrepreneur is someone who has the ability to see and assess business opportunities, gather resources needed to take advantage and appropriate action in order to ensure success.
Entrepreneurship is the mental attitude of the soul is always trying actively to advance with increasing income.
So there are some characteristics of entrepreneur characteristics, that is:
high commitment
Kinds of entrepreneurs who usually do is:
Agriculture: Agriculture, farming, aquaculture
Extractive: mining, oil drilling, forestry, minerals
Industries: processing raw materials into finished goods through the factory process.
Trade: trading activities without changing the shape of goods.
Services: Provides services
Thursday, 13 October 2011
Many entrepreneurs, scientists, leaders of nations or people succeed in their respective fields are those who once doubted his ability by many people. However, they remain confident and trying to realize his dreams, they can realize what for others is not possible.
Albert Einstein said that he was not hired as academic personnel than friends contemporaries. Initially, he only became a school teacher in Schaffhausen, then he was accepted as a patent examiner in Bern. It was there that he can be creative and find the theories and further inform his friends who become academic faculty on campus. Similarly, Fred Smith of Federal Express describes the idea while studying at Yale, but scored less dubious ideas and his professor. And Colonel Sanders sells a lot of fried chicken recipe rejected by restaurants in the United States.
With these stories, faith must grow in you if you want to start doing business. With the confidence that you will succeed then really just one step away, you can achieve that success. If you are not sure, how others can be confident with your business? You must be steady 100% with you run a business and proud to say, "This is my business!"
Wednesday, 12 October 2011
Bali bomb attack October 12, 2002
Very stupid to what is done by Amrozi, Ali Gufron, and some friends. Indonesia is a very safe country, no war, there was no oppression of Muslims. But they were arguing because the Muslims were oppressed and attacked with bombs. Actually in the teachings of any Christian religion, Catholicism, Hinduism, Buddhism, Confucianism and Islam never even told his people to the violence. attacking other people and people of other faiths. With these events the Government of Indonesia strongly throughout the perpetrators of the Bali bomb attack in court and punished. 3 people have been sentenced to death and several others sentenced to prison. Hopefully in the future no more bomb attacks throughout the territory of the Republic of Indonesia and also around the world. because peace is beautiful ............
Thousands of years ago, when measured with a hint of the sun, hourglasses and water clocks. Around 2000 BC, people in Babylon, measuring time throughout the day by looking at the shadow of the sun. The shadow is shorter lunch time approached. A long shadow, a new day starts (morning), or will expire (afternoon).
Around 1380 BC, water clocks and hourglasses are made in Egypt. Hours of water ever found in the tomb of Amenhotep I (1500 BC). The shape vessel with curved sides and the bottom of small holes for dripping water.
Hourglass consists of two tubes (top and bottom) and contains dry sand. From the tube top, gently pouring sand into the bottom tube, through a small pipe that connects the two. Once all the sand has been spilled into the bottom tube, a span of one hour has passed. Hourglass then reversed so that the tubes are filled with sand on top, and pouring sand again. and so on.
Late 1200s, mechanical clocks began to flourish in Europe. One of the oldest mechanical clock was made in France in 1360. Large size, made of iron, with a ballast weighing 220 kg. The author Henry de Vick on orders of King Charles V.
Mid XIV century, many of the mechanical clock appeared in the tower of the city, in Italy. One of them made by Giovanni Dondi in 1364. Also mounted on Salisbury Cathedral, including the first generation of mechanical clock, built in 1386. Hours generally use this model as a mover and gear weight.
Beginning in the 1500s, Peter Henlein, a locksmith from Numberg, Germany introduced the spring as a replacement ballast device driver hours. Clock size becomes smaller, no longer at the clock. spring was made from a bent steel circular. year 1656, Christian Huygens, mathematician, physicist and astronomer from the Netherlands, made the first pendulum clock. Huygens' work has an error of less than a minute a day. Early good accuracy, which can be achieved. Error was reduced to a mere 10 seconds a day, after the repair.
Huygens pendulum clock's first new work created in 1673. Because the precision of movement and pendulum escapement mechanism (a kind of gear that does not keep the weight down more quickly), the velocity of time on the watch can be set constant. In 1680, also produced similar hours in Geneva, London and Paris.
1921, W.H. Shortt make a clock with two pendulums. Then came the quartz watch that works based on piezoelectric, electric power produced quartz crystal. Spearheaded by G. Alter Cady in 1922.
The accuracy of the clock appear increasingly intensified since the atomic clock in 1949. 1969 the newly created atomic clocks with accuracy up to a billion seconds a day. Figures slipping of less than a second in 100,000 years.
Regular and constant vibrating atoms, unbounded space and time. Vibrations of cesium atoms of hydrogen or today, for example, exactly the same as the atomic vibrations that a million years ago. So that in 1967 scientists worldwide agree, cesium atoms as units of time International. 9,192,631,770 times a second cycle of synchronized with cesium atomic radiation.
Tuesday, 11 October 2011
Martin Luther King Jr., said, "Be like a street sweeper Michelangelo painted or Shakespeare wrote poetry, so that all the inhabitants of the earth will be stunned and said," O this is the street sweeper who did his job well. "
Works well, that's taken a lot of people to reap success. Kemmons travelers will see the need for a simple but clean place to rest. He also founded Holiday Inns. Sam Walton aspire to establish a network of grocery stores with low prices and friendly waiters. The result of Wal-Mart, the largest supermarket chains in the United States. Fred Smith saw a need to send packets to a destination that is guaranteed until a day later. Federal Express was born. Network McDonald's outstanding success is a manifestation of Ray Kroc's vision and creativity.
Being a successful person, no need to wait for a title. Start now. The new Kroc was so successful at the age of 52 years. He started to move on successfully after selecting a specific target and solidify, and then make a plan and a deadline to make it happen.
Choose something simple, then expand it. for example, is there anything simpler than answering the phone? but how many people can do well? I have interviewed many candidates before finding a receptionist who can answer and talk on the phone properly.
Behold meant to do anything. Whether gardening, house cleaning, washing, cooking. If there is the world's best hotel maid, who cleans the hotel room as a work of art, or a guest chef with an impressive but simple dishes prepared with delicious, or clerks who serve customers such as serving the most important person in the world, I'm sure people will be scrambling to hire and pay those with high salaries.
Learn their interests, talents and abilities. Opportunity is never endless! Many people are not creative with their own abilities. They even expect capabilities that are not owned, while the ability itself is not utilized. It is like a small short man approached her friend a big height, then said, "If my body as big as you, will I go up the mountain, caught big bear, and then tore apart his body until creamed!" The baby looked big, smiling, "Small Bear's also a lot in the woods!"
Think about it. You never complain about being unable to cope with big bear, bears little while you can overcome dancing around you! We must be willing to utilize what we have, where we are and take the best from it. I want to say, "We must exert our ability to take the benefits!"
The secret that turns people into winners: Do ordinary things with extraordinary way. Also, please note: Winners always find a way to win, while the losers look for excuses if you lose.
Monday, 10 October 2011
Did you know Narcissus? He is a character in Greek mythology is dead because of admiring her reflection reflected off the surface of the lake forgot to eat. Had he lived today, he can admire himself without having to forget to eat. Simply plug the mirror in the dining room or even the entire house.
Looking in the mirror is very easy nowadays. Because, it becomes an integral object, primarily for women who like to preen. No wonder, when there are manufacturers who make mobile phones one screen into a mirror. Compared with the lens or translucent glass, the mirror has a metal layer on one side.
Prior to the present form, humans have tried different materials and ways. One of them hone of obsidian that can be seen in the Konya Archaeological Museum and the Museum of Anatolian Civilizations in Ankara, Turkey. While in Roman times and medieval Europe in the form of sheet metal, bronze, tin or silver. The mirrors that reflect light from the surface of finely-honed smooth.
Around the end of the 12th century, the smart glass in Venice began to develop a mixture of tin and mercury, which can reflect the shadow. Venetian mirror makers that set up trade unions in 1569, whose membership is characterized by a cylindrical glass furnaces which flattened, sharpened and fitted sheet reflective of a mixture of tin and mercury. In the mid 17th century, the skills to make a mirror of the coated glass was spread to London and Paris.
In the late 17th century, the mirror has become expensive work. It became decorator Palace of Versailles. No longer naked but framed. In fact, mirror frames instead be a marker of time. The material spans the frame of ivory, silver, ebony, tortoiseshell lacquered with olive and walnut to the beads and stitching.
From this emerges a kind artist Grinling Gibbons (1642-1721) with a carved frame. Also the British designer, Robert and James Adams, who unfurled a fireplace to create a certain effect on the mirror. The design of the frame also continue to grow not have to always be hung on the wall, legs can be made to stand. Making a mirror in large quantities and smaller form makes it more expensive to affordable prices.
While the nobles and commoners treat the mirror as a room decoration or to help see themselves, some scientists like Roger Bacon (1220-1292) and Isaac Newton in 1668 further highlights the ability to gather light. Together with the lens, the mirror used in perfecting the manufacture of binoculars. In times of war or exploration of nature, the mirror can also be used as a secret code or language thanks to the reflection of sunlight falling on its surface. When moving the reflection mirror digerak light can be seen from a distance.
Chemical coating of glass was developed, Justus Von Liebig in 1835 found a silver metallic coating expressed as modern techniques in the manufacture of mirrors. At the present time, the mirror is generally made with the splatter of aluminum or silver thin layer of liquid to one side of the glass. There are many manufacturing techniques, but many are convinced that the perfect mirror mirror still made of tin deposition by spray technique.
It's a mirror you today?
Sunday, 9 October 2011
That's what can be deduced from Einstein's theory of relativity. For according to the inventor of this energy and atomic bombs, time is a relative dimension. Statement of one of these brilliant thinkers Palin based on experiments conducted Michelson and Morley. Which proves that the transition process experienced by the moving object is slower than the process time experienced by objects at rest.
In 1972 NASA was intrigued to test that statement. Capital is two Cesium clocks are extremely accurate. The first was placed on Earth and only carried by an aircraft flying around the radius of the earth. The results is that the clock moves taken by the aircraft experienced slowdown 0.052 seconds. By assumption, the radius of the earth 5,000 km and a constant airspeed 1,000 km / hour.
From the findings it can be concluded that people who frequently move will be relatively younger than his twin brother who tends to remain silent.
Maybe we daydream. Suppose a spacecraft capable of driving 259,807 km / sec. Then you take day trips to explore outer space for say, age 60 years. So when you return to the earth, the age of your friends have added 60 years. While you only get 30 years !
What if it's wishful thinking transmissivity, for example the speed of the aircraft equivalent to the speed of light (300,000 miles / sec). Automatic age we will not change. Immortal.
Well, the question, if it's speed exceeds the speed of light, would we be getting younger? or even just getting older?
Saturday, 8 October 2011
Many of us do not care for breakfast. In fact, breakfast is very important, because the whole night until morning our bodies are not conceding the food. During the time that happens the effort to maintain an energy source by the body. Blood sugar levels become so low that we lack energy. this is certainly not healthy.
In order to keep your metabolism running smoothly, immediately eat within one hour after waking. It is recommended Daniel Kirschenbaum, PhD, professor at Northwestern University. the problem, many do not know how good breakfast. including the matter of the right menu for breakfast energy sources.
Make sure food for low-fat breakfast. Low fat foods have a positive effect for overall health, higher combustion speed, even though we consume more calories than is needed.
Consume extra calories from carbohydrates because the body will quickly burn. Adding an extra 100 calories from fat, for example, it will make the most (about 97 calories) was burned and stored in body fat. Low-fat foods such as pasta, vegetables and fruits will also make us more optimal vitality to move throughout the day.
After breakfast, eat a little with the frequency often. Five meals a day is the ideal frequency portions lunch more than any other meal times. As for controlling body weight, eating snacks at night is the best way.
Ends meet needs good fats. source of ocean fish, like salmon, fresh tuna, and mackerel, as well as soya bean juice. Avoid excessive consumption of fat, especially saturated fats and partially hydrogenated oils are sourced from some types of margarine and snack foods.
Do not forget to consume green tea. At least, a study reported in Switzerland in 2000, proving green tea increases metabolic rate without affecting the work of the heart and the content of substances in it also burns fat.
Friday, 7 October 2011
A mother seemed not to believe the toddler was diagnosed with food poisoning by a doctor, "How could it food poisoning, dock. My son never eating snacks. He only ate food from home,
Mother may forget the causes of food poisoning from food not only traded in any place, could have been from the kitchen. Kitchen utensils and personal hygiene processing is an important factor.
Microbes, including bacteria that not only contained in the air, water and soil, but also on intestinal and respiratory tract of animals, even our hair is often the cause of food poisoning. Bacteria can get to the food as personal hygiene, cooking utensils or eating utensils and food handling not meet health requirements. Bacteria grow and develop in the food and removing toxins.
Processing, storing, serving food or handling food after touching animals, diapering your baby, or after a bowel movement without washing your hands clean using soap, may also invite the danger of food poisoning.
Refrigerator is not infrequently a potential source of pollution. Assumption could kill bacteria refrigerator is simply not true. This equipment serves only inhibit the breeding of bacteria. If food is removed from the freezer and not immediately treated, the bacteria will quickly multiply and lead poisoning hazards.
To prevent cross contamination, raw foods should not be placed side by side with cooked foods. Try to put cooked food on the top shelf. Do not let the droplets of water or food fell on the food underneath. Spilled food on the shelves or the refrigerator wall is a source of pollution. Therefore refrigerator should be cleaned every few days if it looks dirty.
Meals are served in cool conditions, preferably presented in a closed condition so as not to infestation of flies that may leave the germs of disease of the legs or wings are left on the food.
Chemical pollution is also a source of food poisoning, such as pesticides. Inidapat occur in raw food that is served in a raw state such as fruits, vegetables for salads. Sometimes the pollution also occurs in fast food.
To prevent the danger of contamination by bacteria, worm eggs, and even pesticides, raw food is about to be consumed without cooking first, should be washed thoroughly with running water. and there is a wrong habit in vegetable farmer who accidentally spraying pesticide on the vegetables ready for harvest or before the distribution to avoid rapid decay.
Food poisoning symptoms include, headache, nausea to vomiting and diarrhea. In some cases, mainly due to bacterial infection of Salmonella typhi and Escherichia Coli, accompanied by fever. Symptoms of poisoning may also arise due to toxins released bacterium Clostridium Botulinum, Pseudomonas cocovenenans, Staphylococcus.
With wary of kitchen and equipment used for processing, storing, and serving food, symptoms of food poisoning can be prevented. It means we avoid the toxicity that comes from our own homes.
By : Erwin Setya Ananda, S.Pd
Thursday, 6 October 2011
They reap the seeds of kindness
one day a young man was walking in the woods, suddenly he heard cries for help. Apparently he saw a young man who was her age are struggling with a floating sludge or mud of life. The more engaged the young man was even more in the fall. The first young man who was then with a vengeance to his help. With great difficulty a young man ended up surviving the fall. Carefully, the boy who first helped this young man sank back to his house.
not in thought, turned out houses youth who fall was very nice, large, grand and luxurious. His father was a happy young man who stuck to thank you for your kindness given and intend to deliver large amounts of money because of the help that has been given. but this young man who first rejected by the smooth provision of money. He said that it is proper to help another fellow human being of others in distress. Since this incident the two young men who either did eventually make lasting friendships.
The first was a young man who is poor, while the second youth who was a very rich aristocratic. Poor young man who is actually intelligent and aspired to become a doctor, but because he had no money finally cancel it. However, there is a good heart who had offered to finance medical school. and he is the father of the young aristocratic. He gave scholarships until the first young man that earned his doctor. The young man was Alexander Fleming. A renowned physician and scientist of his day.
And what about the life story of two young men who live mired in mud, had a rich aristocratic's son? This aristocratic young man finally entered the military service. In a task on the battlefield, the rich young man affected areas. He was seriously injured, causing a very high fever due to infection in the wound. At that time there is no cure for such infections. The doctors who treated the young man finally find out the drugs in an age of new inventions and discover information about penicillin. The doctors and even then inject the wounded young man with penicillin. And what happens? Gradually the fever subsided and the boy finally healed! And do you know who the name of the young aristocratic who were helped because the drug is penicillin? He was Winston Churchill, British prime minister is famous for.
Readers, in this story we can see how the goodness taken by both.
Fleming ideals become a doctor finally came true for his kindness and that Fleming discovered penicillin saving lives Churchill. It was worth a scholarship given Churchill's father
Wednesday, 5 October 2011
Marketing mix is a marketing strategy that emphasizes how to sell products as effectively as possible. Based on the data obtained and collected, either through the process of computerization and data that were collected based on subscriptions, so that the selling process runs smoothly (Rapp & Collins, Mc Hill Inc.).
In other words, is the marketing mix variables used by each company, as a means to meet the needs and desires of consumers. So mix pemasran itself consists of a set of variables that can be controlled and used by companies to influence consumer responses in his target market.
Variable or activities need to be combined and coordinated by the company as effectively as possible in conducting marketing activities. DW Foster's opinion, that the marketing mix is a term that describes all elements of marketing and production factors are mobilized to achieve the goal of business entities, such as income, property income that is planted, and the sales turnover of the market who wants to be seized.
Usefulness of the marketing mix for the company is able to make the plan under a policy line. In this case the company will not miss in determining policy in the competition to dominate the market. The benefits of studying the marketing mix is to drive any combination that suits the needs of companies in making the program.
Factors that affect the marketing mix
1. Product factors
In the management of product there are five issues, that is:
a. Kinds or types of goods
b. Number of items
c. Giving brands
d. How To Service
e. Looks the goods and packaging
2. Sales factor
Sales is a process of delivery of goods or services based on the price agreed by manufacturers and consumers. In the marketing of goods, sales factor is a crucial task. Successful sales will provide advances, advantages and techniques on how to produce.
3. distribution factor
kinds of distribution of goods by companies, that is:
a. Intensive distribution
Distribution is done as much as possible, in order to sell products as much as possible.
b. Selective distribution
Distribution is limited, only the channel on which products are relatively expensive price.
c. Exclusive distribution
Distribution is conducted through one or a party or a retailer of limited channel, in which the dealer must first ask permission or rights from the authorities.
4. Factor Promotion
Promotion for the company is actually a process of introducing the product to consumers or customers using a variety of strategies.
Promotion kinds, that is:
a. publicity
b. Personal Selling
c. Advertising
d. Sales Promotion
Tuesday, 4 October 2011
Market segmentation is the basis for knowing that each market consists of several different segments. In a market segment there will be buyers who have different needs and different desires.
With the segmentation of the market means the company will be able to describe the progress that is very important, and can instill the right strategy in marketing its products. Market segmentation sebenarnyamerupakan an idea to establish a marketing strategy to distinguish the group as well as the needs of the consumer or buyer.
By setting a market segmentation, meaning the company concerned could improve its service to the consumer or buyer is much more satisfying. In this case the company would be more economical, if the purchase of units can be grouped into several groups only. All this is inseparable from efforts to achieve the maximum profit that the company expected.
In general consumers were different from each other, baikmotifnya, behavior, and habits in purchasing the product. These differences indicate that the market of a product is not homogeneous, but heterogeneous. So to receive the market, the company concerned to provide satisfactory services to the consumer or buyer, so it will focus on the intended target market.
In the framework of this business, every company must classify the consumers or buyers, to the group characteristics together. Each group of consumers or the buyers can be chosen as a target market that will be achieved by marketing mix strategies are different.
Groups of consumers or buyers who are prepared are called market segments, while the business breaks it is called market segmentation. Market segmentation can also be interpreted as an act to divide the market into smaller sub-order customers are clearly in a separate marketing. Market segmentation is a way to differentiate the market according to the class of buyer, needs, attitudes, motives, habits purchase of the products, how to use it and its purpose in purchasing the product.
From the above, the end can be drawn a conclusion that is meant by market segmentation is to divide the heterogeneous nature of the market of a product into the market units that are homogeneous.
Monday, 3 October 2011
The above discussion indicates that the building of maritime state can not be performed partially. It has to be carried out integrally covering all elements of the existing potentials for creating products which are not only required by local market but also by global demand. For building the future of Indonesia as maritime state, it is not necessary to develop exclusively marine-based production capacity (such as fishery) but also land-based production. Principally, the goverment should stimulate to all elements in the society to create demanded product possessing comparative and competitive advantages regardless marine and land-based sectors. For the interest of economic and political integration among islands and regions, it is necessary to create specialization in product among different islands and or regions based on their own potentials. It will lead to the creation of functioning supply and demand in the formation process of what the so called Indonesian "Single Market" like.
The fleet is one of the most significant factors for developing an advanced maritime state. The ownership of advanced merchant fleet is very important for maritime state. As far as macro economy is concerned, the transport of inter-islands as well as international trade by an efficient domestic/national shipping company will prevent the flow out of foreign exchange. In the meantime, it is necessary for maritime state to possess a strong navy and patrol ships to secure ocean territories againts all kinds of criminal actions as well as political and military disputes from other countries. The authority of a maritime state is very much depended on this matter.
It should be noted that building a great maritime state can not be done only by exploiting marine-based resources. It requires also socialization and enculturation of maritime history and maritime cultural value through the media of education, art, literatures, etc. Last but not least, comprehensive, sustainable, and futuristic goverment policies are needed for building a maritime state. Without laying foundation of maritime culture, an obsession to build a great maritime state of Indonesia is possibly only dream.
Sunday, 2 October 2011
What Kind of Maritime State ?

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